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Best way to lift heavy resources.

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I am using TAC-LF , USI -KS and other stuff. I started building up a space-station around the Mun ( very basic one Aeroponix + Kerbitat module from OKS ) each of them need 300 Machinery so in total 600. I noticed that machinery is prity heavy and hard to lift it with some other parts of the space station.

So i was thinking what would be the best solution ? :

- build a large heavy lifter and lift it with the module.

- build a single route rocket and bring the resource multiple times (launch the same rocket multiple times) .

- lift all the resource to Kerbin orbit and with a ferry carry it to the station with multiple trips.

I was thinking to produce it inside the station but it will be the same story i think , that way i will need to carry other resources. Maybe those resources are not so heavy i don't know .


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Is that 600 tonnes of machinery? If so, it is indeed a heavy load.

The best thing to do is go with the heaviest launch vehicle you're already comfortable with so you need only do as few launches and rendezvous as necessary. Work out what tonnage your space-tug can take to Mun and assemble the launched components into sections of that size in Kerbin orbit. Ferry them to Mun one at a time and complete assembly there.

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Well i assume that is tone it doesn't specify, only that it needs 300+300. Anyway yes i am building it by components and assembly on Mun's orbit. I tried to launch the 2 modules with one rocket so it's 600+ tons of weight , but all my tries ended up with fail , the rocket design just couldn't lift them or it has fuel only for kerbin orbit and not for going to the Mun , re-orbit , rendezvous , etc ....

So i was thinking to build a bigger rocket that has the power , or just send let's say only 100t and send it with 6 rocket's. I am more interested in the cheapest way ( i am in career mode )

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A 100t-payload SSTO launch vehicle would be your best option, but harder to build and fly (especially land), since then you can get all, or at least a large part, of the craft cost back once you land and recover. Launches that only cost fuel are cool ;-0

Talking of which - if you are launching fuel tanks amongst that 600t, try sending them up empty and refuelling them later. That way your 'huge' lift only has to cope with a smaller mass in one go.

As a rule, use engines with the best ISP, work out what they can lift and go with that. Bigger payloads (>100t) tend to result in less efficient vehicles because of diminishing returns, but it can be done.

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600T is not much to lift in one go, especially if you are using stock aero. Just put your load together in the VAB, attach a

at the decoupler, cook yourself some asparagus for dinner and strap it all down.

You can run it up in individual launches, which is my preferred method using SSTOs, dock it all up and send it out to your destination. It'll be slightly less painful than sending one cargo load at a time. But, if you are looking for easy way, just make big fat rocket. It's fun to watch your failures.

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  O-Doc said:
...You can run it up in individual launches, which is my preferred method using SSTOs, dock it all up and send it out to your destination...

Yes, exactly what I'd prefer if it was me. Comfortable rocket SSTO launches, section-assembly in orbit, final construction at destination.

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