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Is this a remotely good PC for gaming and (possibly) editing videos?


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Not hardcore editing, just basic cutting and adding. I've been looking for a decent, compact PC to play KSP on without 5 FPS due to potato Compaq. With it, I'm looking to run minecraft, KSP, and other similar games, like Space Engineers. Is it a good choice? I haven't brought it yet, it might be a self-treat for Christmas, or birthday.

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It wouldn't be my first choice. 6gigs of RAM is pretty poor unless you're planning on extending it. And you definitely want a better monitor, if not for gaming, for video editing. LCD screens are often badly unbalanced, which makes colour grading hard to do.

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Agreed, 6 GB of RAM is annoying, 8 is more standard. And while KSP isn't super-demanding graphically, a proper graphics card would be nicer to have.

Personally I wouldn't get an "all-in-one" PC. They give less performance at more cost than a regular desktop, while not being as portable as a laptop. Upgrade potential may be limited and repairs may be costly. But then I favour function and value over "style"; a great many people are the other way round, and the all-in-ones do look nice on the desk.

A budget, and what you require and don't require in that budget (not just what you need from your PC but also things like do you have a monitor, etc) would be a good help.

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I don't think the poor RAM is the main problem. I have only 2 gigs of RAM, yet I can fly 500-part ships @ 50 fps at full settings (my resolution is 1600*900). It's the CPU and the graphics card in this case.

As others said:

Nice design / Performance / Low price.

Pick two.

Btw, if you don't like the look of a normal desktop PC, you could build/modify your desk to hide it. You can save a lot of $$$ by doing that (my personal experience).

Edited by jmiki8
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I've also been looking at laptops. I should have stated that video editing wasn't overly important, but it would be a nice bonus. Is there much difference between 6gb or 8gb, if I'm just going to be doing gaming?


^Any good? I'm looking towards low cost, but I could buy a USB mouse instead of using the trackpad. Yay for noob questions.

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