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[PostAlpha] Kerbals, Cars, and Trucks in parking lots.

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Okay, so here is the real Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center. See all those cars in the parking lot? Let's blow them up :cool:.

So basically, the idea is that you would have relatively low-poly cars and trucks, each of them using the rover wheel module. If you explode near them, they will get knocked around silly. You then lose reputation if you damage a car, and if it is exploded it costs you some money. Obviously there wouldn't be nearly that many cars in the parking lot, and perhaps when they are far enough away for physics range (1.5 km), they become static objects. These vessels can not be switched to, nor their parts found in the VAB.

Also, Kerbals walking around the KSC would be neat. Especially if they have an a.i. that makes them look at the player controlled vessel. They'd run away from things coming towards them, and would ragdoll, bounce, and poof just like Kerbanauts would.

If cities are added, this would also be added there as well.

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Perhaps there is a way to extend upon this idea in a way that directly impacts core gameplay than merely receiving reputation penalties from destroying parked cars.

If an upgradeable KSC ever becomes implemented in-game, one possibility would be to have an upgradeable car park representing the number of employees (larger car park = more employees). Players would have to balance the increased productivity from having lots of employees vs. the growing cost of wages/salaries. Destructible parked cars should be merely a bonus to this.

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