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Is there a way to get the old navball back?


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It's too cluttered. Really don't need an icon telling me which way south, etc, is.....those of us that can navigate know it's bearing 180. Cub scouts know south is bearing 180. My mates 3 year old son knows south is bearing 180. Surely, everyone knows which way south is?

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The new icons on the navball indicate the Normal, Anti-Normal, Radial in and radial out vectors. While it is true, in an equatorial orbit Normal and Anti-Normal vectors line up with 0 and 180 degrees, it is not usually so with inclined orbits.

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I consider the NavBall additions one of the most useful things added to KSP, ever. Without prograde/retrograde markers, it would be very difficult to accurately find those vectors, even in an equatorial orbit, except when you are exactly at AP/PE.

Not having to fumble around guessing at normal or radial vectors is extremely useful. Personally, I don't find them intrusive at all, even when I'm not using them.

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locating where your manoeuvre node marker is was a nightmare - now you get a little arrow telling you where to turn - great for large ships and station that take an age to get moving! I have been tempted to install enhanced navball mod but don't need to now!

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