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The KSP Game

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This is based off of the riding game, which is designed for motorcycles, but I have modified it for KSP! (Just for those who wonder where the idea came from) The reason is that many times I find myself a little board and wonder what next? And there are millions of things I could do but I want something not too hard, but fun and a challenge, so here is my idea!

The game is not supposed to be hard (meaning anyone who has played the game for a few days should be able to do this) all you have to do is complete the challenge and be the first to post, then you can choose the next challenge, now let me explain with an example...

If I was the first to finish a challenge and the challenge was to destroy a building then I would post a picture of my doing it like this:


Then I would post a similar challenge like "Land on the mun", and the first person to take a picture of them landed on the mun and post it here would win, now the point is not for these to be too hard and the only rules er you have to be able to do it fairly easily with stock parts/no mods, you can use mods, but it must be possible with no mods and you cannot complete a challenge you submit.

so, the first challenge is thus: Land on the mun, GO! :cool:

Rep is awarded to those who win!

(p.s. If I think a challenge is too hard, then I will issue a new one)

For anyone who completes a challenge in this game: http://imgur.com/cFaKlVW

Edited by Mrbobmcwilly
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So I just come up with some random thing to do and do it. Then i post with evidence?

no you do the current challenge, which was given by the previous winner, so since I am starting the game I set the first challenge as land on the mun. Once you do take a picture post it in this tread and in the post post the next challeng, but only do so if you are the first to post a picture.

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Mysterious UFO confirmed at the north pole (this is my second easter egg find, btw, after the mun arches)

A glimpse of something in the snow:


Bill planets a flag:


And walked over 1km:


Next challenge:

The KSC has decided it was time to do some experiments in munar orbit. Send an unmanned single-launch space station to low munar orbit (if you are skilled enough, dock some kerbals to that thing)

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Unmanned mun science station with docked kerbal:


Next challenge: Build a manned rover and drive it to/into the swimming pool at Kerbal Space Center which was added in 0.25.

Edited by Leathan
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That one is fun, but pretty tough for new players. I thought we were keeping it easy to do?

Yeah we are trying to keep it easy, and like I said I will issue a new challenge if it is too hard, and this one is on the edge if not putting a toe over the edge of too hard, but if someone can do it within a little while I will let it stay, basically if no one completes it soon I will issue a new one.

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