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A bunch of suggestions

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I want to make a few suggestions that I (and maybe others?) would like to see in the game added.

I already want to say sorry, because I will mention some things that had already been suggested, but would like to add things to it.


I have seen this being suggested, but I think it would be awesome thing to add for example.

- Getting quest for mining a resource on other planets/moons

- E.g: Mine* 5 KG of Eve stone or whatever

- Getting advanced rockets

- E.g: Mining He-3 on Mun and getting rockets that work on that that are better than others.

*With mining I am thinking of a machine you have to bring somewhere and would use electricity.


This I have also seen suggested, but I think it has great possibilities.

- Getting political quest.

- E.g.: Go to Dres and bring this message (or item).

- Learning from other Civilizations.

- Better rockets or jets or science.

- Political status*.

- Having a certain status with e.g. Eve civilization would be able to make a rocket on their planet (so gaining an extra launch station although you would need to get a kerbal there for the launch).

- You would gain this by completing jobs for that civilization.

*In sandbox mode you would still need to do this to be able to launch from there. Although you will still have infinite money and all parts unlocked.


Also this is suggested several times, but I also think this has many possibilities.

- Other star systems (Many have suggested this one, but would like to add things to this)

- This would mean more planets (always fun to reach), but combined with civilizations also creating many new quest (e.g political quest to make contact with the civilization on PLANETNAME).

- How to come here? I would suggest a warp drive* that would allow you to warp whenever your futher than eeloo and says like "Would you like to warp to STARNAME".

- Terraforming (and life?)

- Getting samples of trees or animals and would give you science.

*You would unlock the warpdrive if you have alot of science and made contact with all other civilizations (or what the community wants?)(I think it would also be fun for this to be done by people playing in sandbox mode making it more challenging)

*You would only be able to warp drive when your out of the solar system (so that going to other planets wouldn't be too easy to get and making it still challenging).

*I would say the size small as I mentioned above it to be only useable to go to the other solar system (on the otherhand people will be experianced rocketeers at this point if things listed above would be to required to unlock it)

Well these were my suggestions. Sorry if there are spelling/grammer mistakes or incorrect use of words (English isn't my native language).

Thanks alot for reading. Hoop you like the suggestions and feel free to comment your opinion (would love you hear what you people think) or give your own suggestion that should be added.

Yours faithfully, :)


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There is no recourses in stock, but you can mod it in if you want. The current word from the Devs is that it will stay that way. This is on the What not to Suggest list, and thus you should not suggest it

The devs have also said that there will be no allien civilizations. This is ALSO on the What not to Suggest list, and thus you should not suggest it

New planets is ALSO on the What not to Suggest list, and thus you should not suggest it

It's fine to suggest things and bring your own ideas, but remember to check the list first, because suggesting things on that list will cause your threat to get locked

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