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Orbital rescue mission. So was this good or just meh?


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So I started a new career game with the release of 0.25. Have not played as much as I would like lately but life is hard. Last night I managed enough tech to make my first Kerbin orbit in this new career and with that science and money unlocked some new parts, most of tier 4. I went to get a few new missions and saw that a rescue mission popped up. I accepted the mission and then realized I did not have all the parts I usually have to construct a good rescue craft. Hmmm...

So I did the mission with tier 4 parts, ie no thrusters and only a Mark I capsule. My final rescue craft was two Mark I capsules in tandem with two batteries, three chutes, a TR-18A Stack Decoupler, an FL-T200 Fuel Tank and LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine. The rendezvous was no more difficulty and closing from my 1.5 km initial close approach to rescued with only one engine and no thrusters was not as hard as I feared. Took longer than it would had I had thrusters but I did it on the first attempt. Munlong Kerman was very appreciative!


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Once you get within physics range of the astronaut, you can switch and use his EVA pack to get him to the ship. I never use RCS on those missions.

If you landed him, it was good, BTW, that's all that matters :)

Edited by tater
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Doesn't matter how you got him home, just that you got him home. Remember you can switch to the rescuee with the [ and ] keys when you're closer than 2.3km to him.

Wow did not realize I could switch that far out. I did not switch to Munlong Kerman until I was with in 100m. Good to know if it happens again. Rendezvous was a nightmare for me until I took the time to figured it out now it's one of my favorite parts of the game. Looking forward to building a new Munar space station again.

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