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KSP Development Roadmap [999% realistic!]


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Squad decides multibody systems are not realistic enough. Implements multy world simulations. Every mission is played over all possible events, realities and failures. This includes spontaneous whale appearances and "evil mirrorverse" attacks. Oh, and you'll need the cray computer to play it, or a 2million qbit cpu.

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Several types of hippopotamuses have been implemented into the game:

- Normal, green hippopotamuses that inhabit Kerbin

- Alien, hostile hippopotamuses on other planets - they will attack landed vessels

- A rare, deep space hippopotamus - basically deep space kraken replacement.

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1.0.1 will feature:

Ability to trade Science, Funds, and Prestige with all other KSP players in an online market.

This is coupled with an auction house to sell launch slots to players (so that only one player worldwide may launch during any minute).

1.0.2 will feature:

Multiplayer, but this update has a bug which doesn't allow KSP to run on multi-core CPUs or any chips that can handle x64.

1.0.2 will also see the removal of prior version downloading.

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November 23rd, 2017: A second star system called Kasterborous is added to the game, and a small blue box emblazoned with the words "POLICE BOX" is found orbiting the reddest planet in the system. Upon touching the orbiting box, kerbals and ships are hurled away from it at approximately five times the speed of light. When people look at the log for the glitch, the only message is "My TARDIS!"

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November 23rd, 2017: A second star system called Kasterborous is added to the game, and a small blue box emblazoned with the words "POLICE BOX" is found orbiting the reddest planet in the system. Upon touching the orbiting box, kerbals and ships are hurled away from it at approximately five times the speed of light. When people look at the log for the glitch, the only message is "My TARDIS!"
I just found out that you can't rep in Forum Games. /tangent
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