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KSP Development Roadmap [999% realistic!]


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  • 3 weeks later...
After many complaints of the orbital mechanics being unrealistic because you didn't need to go sideways to get into orbit IRL, you now need to keep engines on at all times and you magicaly get into orbit when you go into space.

you now have to kraken to fly to anywhere. (seriously I used to think this worked)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new game mode is added where there is only one flag option: UNSC_flag_2.jpg

The default name changes to Cole Protocol and that is the name of the mode too.

Now ships that exit the SOI of Kerbin can no longer go back directly, any that do will self destruct. If a ship crashes or in some other way ends up disabled all parts self destruct.

You have contracts to assemble giant spaceships and use them to invade certain planets. Bonus for using ODSK (Orbital Drop Shock Kerbals). These can only be simple pods with 1 Kerbal dropped simultaneously from ships on sub-orbital trajectories. Or just Kerbals... that works too. Remember these ships cannot return to Kerbin, so there had better be colonies for them to go to.

Planets are randomly glassed, meaning they and anything on them suddenly get crash tolerances of 1 and will shatter when something hits them.

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1.0 is published by EA, that recently bought Squad.

Soon 3.0 comes out at full price, including core features having been removed. (But is still a great game, doubly so with DLC and expansions)

Exactly 587 653 DLC and 200 000 expansion packs are released, re-adding the removed content. DLCs are priced at 5 Dollars, or 50 Pounds. Expansion packs are 50 Dollars, or 500 Pounds.

Kerbal Space Program 4.0 is released, now a game about gathering funds by delivering cargo from the space center. Rockets are removed.

KSP dies and is never heard of again.

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