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Direct Ascent (Nova)


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My first submission. A fairly basic rocket, designed for Direct Ascent landing and return profile from the Mun.

First stage is purely to get out of lower atmosphere, don\'t bother maneuvering until second stage because you might be too heavy to make orbit then.

Second stage will get you to a high suborbital, use third stage to raise perigee out of the atmosphere. Then you are go for trans-lunar injection burn whenever you\'re ready.

Hang on to the third stage, you\'ll need it to help brake into Munar orbit, drop the extra fuel tanks when they run out to reduce weight, and use the remaining fuel to start your decent. Should have enough fuel to help you do most of your decent.

Just before landing, drop the remains of the third stage and use the lander engine to slow and land. Take a look around and pat yourself on the back, then fire up your engine to get back into Munar orbit.

Once there, line yourself up with Earth and fire the engines again behind the moon to head home!

This is the first rocket I was able to do a landing and return with, so it\'s probably overkill for the experts here, but not quite overkill enough that you can be completely careless with fuel either.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

edit: added a screenshot

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