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how I think the kerbals report on some of my contract missions


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Not sure if this belongs here or in general discussion so please move if it should be.

When I send my ssto in to orbit to save some poor kerbal and bring them back to KSC I always imagine the kerbals reporting on it like this


Let alone some of the fineprint mods' recon mission in my Mach 3 jet.

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In my main 0.25 career save, Jeb is STILL on the Mun, years after landing in his awful first generation (few tech nodes unlocked at that point) lander. Surrounded by "contractually obligatory" flags planted primarily to get money. He's funding the whole space program by himself. :P

Edited by moogoob
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Don't read the comments if you have a high opinion of humanity and would like to keep it.

My first response was: "I might have a high opinion of some members of the human race but not of the human race in general."

Then I actually READ the comments.

Well, you find the obligatory "conspiracy theorist" (and believe me: The weirdest kind we get in this country, i.e. Germany), but most are like the comments on Amazon for the "Wenger Giant".


(Along the lines of "Flux compensator does not work if you activate the disrupter array AND the phasor banks on the left side.")

Weeelll.... I heard worse..


P.S.: By the way: This knife DOES exist. And is sold. And is neither photoshoped or a fake. Wenger (One of the two swiss army knife manufacturers) actually produces this.

P.P.S.: I would guess that Jeb would LOVE this knife. Who needs a rocket when you have a Wenger Giant? Boosters included!

Edited by Tokay Gris
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