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Career Mode, out of money

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I just started a new game and I get no contracts, I have gotten to the point where I have had enough money to almost make it to orbit and then I have 5,000 credits which make it pointless to launch anything, since it won't make it to space. I have fast forwarded almost a year into the game and still no contracts. Is this bugged?

Thank you!

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There are certain contracts you MUST complete before new ones are generated (These being the Launch, 5km altitude, Space and Orbit contracts) If you post a picture of your craft maybe we can help you troubleshoot your design and figure out what is going wrong.

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If you never got any contracts, you got a bug yes. Start a new save usually fixes it.

When you start a new game, there should be 4 contracts already. Launch new craft, reach alt record, get to space, and get to orbit

There are certain contracts you MUST complete before new ones are generated (These being the Launch, 5km altitude, Space and Orbit contracts) If you post a picture of your craft maybe we can help you troubleshoot your design and figure out what is going wrong.

The first thing he opened with is that he got no contracts.... So no, his crafts aren't the problem

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I think Taki's question was a subtle hint that maybe the rocket in question would benefit from some design tweaks. If the first launch is costing 45,000 with little recovered, then there might be some room for improvement. In which case, pictures would still help.

As for contracts not showing up, are you using any mods?



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There are certain contracts you MUST complete before new ones are generated (These being the Launch, 5km altitude, Space and Orbit contracts) If you post a picture of your craft maybe we can help you troubleshoot your design and figure out what is going wrong.

Build this rocket with thrust tweaked to 45% and fuel to 35% and fulfill the first launch and 5000 meter contract. Be sure to land in the water to get full recovery of parts. Next, add more fuel and do the 11,000 meter contract. This simple design will even do the 33,000 contract. Add a second stage, add Goo canasters and do the suborbital one. Even at the Hard level, work a step at a time, be careful what you spend research on when unlocking parts, and you will have more then enough funds to progress in your space program.



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