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Ka-10 Spectre, a U-2 replica

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After binging on a whole ton of near-space videos of the U-2, why not make one in KSP to experience that breathtaking view of the world? Thank god for the new SP+ part integration. A lightweight craft consisting of 2 fuel tanks (300 liters), extra-long wings for endurance, lots of elevons (keep only the two inner ones enabled or the whole damn thing shakes itself apart) and two landing gears only. Very light, stable and very very glider-like. Just like the real thing.

Finished in the SPH. Wings are not actually sticking to each other (parent part is the fuselage) so lots of space duct tape underneath.


Jeb's on the HOTAS, gotta go fast!


Taking off. Notice the bicycle landing gear, so keep reaction wheels active and fold your tray tables during taxi, takeoff and landing.


Step on a crack, break this plane's back. This beauty takes off at just 97m*s-1.


After a boring climb, we reach 10KM altitude. Kerbin is a beautiful place.


Pushing the boundaries of sanity and aerospace. We hit 25KM with 0.01 intake air, engine outputs at around 70%, just enough to keep it going at this altitude. 1km*s-1 is achievable at this altitude. Go turbojets!


Smooth descent to Kerbin's soft grasslands. Jeb misses the spectacular view, but what goes up must go down (damn you, fuel!). The plane hovers at around 80m*s-1 due to the ridiculous wings. Awesome.


Safe landing for a maiden flight. Keep those reaction wheels on during landing, unless wing amputation sounds appealing to you!


Craft file:


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