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Give the new Spaceplane Plus fuel tanks Oxidizer

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Dude, they already have oxidiser in them. They're the ones with the black stripes.


Really you should just use the LFO ones and tweak out some oxidiser.

If you REALLY need oxidiser only, use tweakables.

I'm in the opposite direction, I wish some of the SP+ fueled adapters could be made LF only. I always seem to end up tweaking oxidizer out rather than wishing I had more.

Ideally we could choose for each tank shape in tweakables, don't know if that will ever happen.

That would be optimal especially for the SP+ parts as there aren't as many choices as a rocket build. But outside of having specalized RCS tanks, tweakables always give a player what he needs in the same shape. (for the most part)

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I'm still waiting for oxidizer-only tanks to become available but I did feel that some of the Mk2 parts should have a LF only option.

A better idea would be to be able to select fuel types for a tank, altering the max you can put in. For instance, if you select LF + O it would automatically balance to a 9/11 ratio. In the basic Mk 2 fuselage this would give you a max of 270 liquid fuel and 330 oxidizer. But if you choose only oxidizer, you can put 600 in it.

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I've never understood why some people think that we need O-only tanks. I strongly disagree with the perceived need for them, and think that they would be unnecessary clutter and complexity. Not newbie-friendly. There is a clear need for LF-only tanks, but there is never a situation which actually requires O-only. Either carry less LF in the first place, or carry more LF+O.

I've heard the arguments before, that somehow it makes sense to enable use of the dregs of LF-only tanks once out of the atmosphere, but have never been even remotely convinced by those arguments. The perceived benefits of a bit more orbital dV would very likely be minuscule, or even non-existent due to the additional weight required to carry the O-only up there in the first place.

So, an emphatic "NO, this makes no sense" from me, unless someone can actually produce a convincing case for it (which I believe is impossible).

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