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KSP Addon support in Curse Client.


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  • 1 month later...

I don't mind things taking time, but i asked this question over a month ago with no answer. All I wanted to know was if it was ever going to be a feature and a possible date of arrival. You have provided both and I thank you. Yes, it is planned but arrival date is unknown.

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I almost would prefer a dedicated mod manager whereby you can have greater control over how you incorporate each mod into the game. For example, it'd be nice if mods were parsed in such a way that parts could be included or excluded simply by opening it in the manager into a hierarchical navigation window and checking/unchecking specific parts folders. This would simplify the process of stripping down a large mod by manually deleting folders and would make it easier to restore them if you decided you want them back.

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  • 6 months later...

Yeah, but lets be honest, ckan doesnt even work very well, so far I am yet to update anything succesfully, it constantly freezes and I end up going to the curse website and doing it manually. I understand its free, but if your going to do something, at the very least, do it right.

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