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Not getting any science for crew reports!?!

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Okay hi i'm new to the forums and to KSP overall and this is my first time on the forums, so anyways i started the game normally and my first few crew reports from space (above 70,000km) worked just fine giving me 5 science, but now whenever i try both in career mode and science mode after the first one or two reports it doesn't give me science anymore. I have tried completing an entire orbit, leaving the ship in orbit overnight, and overwriting crew reports and in both modes it doesn't work it just says 0 science on the window where it gives you the option to keep or transmit. Also i should mention that the crew reports work just fine in the atmosphere and on land/sea, this is only a problem in space. This sucks cause i really wanted to setup a space station that can do multiple crew reports and transmit them, but now i can't.. :(

Any help will be greatly appreciated! :)

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Science returns decrease as you repeat the experiments in the same situation. This is normal.

For crew and EVA reports in particular, you get all of the available science the first time for each biome and situation, so running it again will give you 0 science.

Also, welcome to the forums!

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Hi Daniel J,

What you are seeing is perfectly normal. For crew reports, once you have done one under specific conditions it cannot be repeated. KSP defines it's specific conditions as BIOMES and a STATE.

There are many different biomes (such as Kerbin's grasslands, or Kerbin's ocean) on Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus. The other planets, moons, and asteroids currently only have one biome each (which is slated to change in the next update).

Each biome also has a variety of states, or conditions, or situations (whatever you like to call them) in which you can do science. For example, there's landed, splashed, low atmosphere above, low space above, and others. So for certain experiments, you can get science at, say, Landed on Kerbin's grasslands.

Other experiments are more global (run across the biomes). So some experiments might run across all biomes, but be in low space (such as crew reports) while a similar event can be by biome and still in low space (like EVA reports).

And then, on top of all that, some experiments can gather all the science there is in one run (like crew reports) where other science can be run a few times before collecting all the available science (like mystery goo). And not all experiments can be transmitted for full science (reports usually can though).

Also note that if you are fulfilling contracts, any "transmit or recover science from XXX" doesn't require you to actually gain any science points. So you could still transmit those empty science reports to fulfill the contract.

That's not all of it, but hopefully gets you started.

Welcome to the forums! :D


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