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What joystick do you use?


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My old wingman attack 2 has finally gone out and I was thinking about buying one for my Mac. So I was wondering which one you use for KSP.



As a matter of fact, I use an xB 360 controller in addition to the keyboard and mouse, for flight controls and some other stuff. It doesn\'t do everything, but I\'ve got most of the important stuff on there.

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Yeah, a 360 pad as well for me. Well, a PS3 pad emulation a 360 pad, actually. I do have a proper flight stick with a throttle unit and pedals and everything, but unpacking that monster and hooking it all up is way too much work and the gamepad does a perfectly adequate job controlling this game.

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I mapped pitch and yaw to the joystick, roll is on the left and right thumb buttons. Translating forward and back are the top and bottom thumb buttons.

The trigger is for stages.

The buttons on the base are used for translating up, down, left, and right.

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