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A "small" modeling error...

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Hi, its me again.

While modeling the interior for my cockpit, i've noticed the faces are invisible from one side, but visible from the other. Unfortunately, the invisible side of the face is from the inside, and not from the outside... Is there any way to fix this? It looks ok in Blender, but once i export it into Unity it messes up the texturing and all...

Here there are a few images of the problem:

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It's because Unity doesn't show the anti-normal side of the polygons. You can copy the polygons that make problems and invert them or extrude those polys and give it volume.(Just make sure that all polys are aligned with their normals facing outward) This depends on what you want to create.

This depends on what you want to create. Extrusion might look better, but be more work at unwrapping the UVs.

edit: if you're ONLY doing the inside of the cockpit for IVA, then just invert the normals.

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Blender has an option to show what Unity renders, just put your mouse into the Object view, press "N" and scroll down in the new window that showed up to "Display" (I think) and toggle "Backface Culling" to hide the backsides of the faces and get a better idea of which faces are facing incorrectly.

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You can also select the "texture" viewport style in Blender to see what the textured model will look like. This shows the normal direction correctly. You'll have to assign textures via the UV editor in Blender for this feature. For Blender to Unity to KSP I would suggest this route instead of doing materials in blender as Unity will pick up your textures even if you had no materials assigned.

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I've only begun playing with IVA stuff, but sometimes it's USEFUL to have the polygons transparent from the outside, but not the inside. In this case, instead of duplicating or extruding the items in Blender, you can just select the polygons you need to turn around and in the Shading/UV tab of edit mode select "Flip Direction."

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