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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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Its unlikely i will modify the K parts, as they are designed to be bulky so it can compete with the famous MK4 system hahaha:P

And ill see what i can do for non-Far users once 1.0 comes out!

Im experimenting on a new k cockpit, kind of like the J cockpit, very flat but with the crews sitting in a control-tower-like circular bridge above the main body. Ill be following that up with some pictures later on.

I wont be making that as the shapes are too different, even if i make it fit it will still look strange i guess.

ill probably leave that for other modders :P I hope someone will model it after the Boeing BWB aircraft!

I have finally finish the tail cargo part, except i havent find a way to make the ramp work. I wish to make it so people can manually control the ramp's height (i.e. if press and hold a deploy button, the ramp will follow the deploy animation until the animation ended or player let go of the key), so players can decide how high or how low the ramp will be.

Does anyone know if such a plugin has already been made? I have looked at InfernoRobotics and Firespitters so far but doesn't really fit the descriptions. the B9 and Mk4 cargo tail are just using single animations which doesnt allow adjustments... If no such convenient plugin exist i might have to figure something out :(

And also does anyone know how to take down the poll from a thread? i can't find that option anywhere... i think i set the poll option to be 'forever' :C

Look at the hangar mod, it have a cargo bay part where you can control the angle of the door



+Great part, i simply love your design^^

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Neat, but now where do I put my engines?

I'd recommend making the cargo ramp part of the nose, like the C-5 galaxy.

Also, can we have crew tanks for each fuselage style?

i have plans to make crew modules, and more side attached engines. And do you mean make a cockpit part similar to the tail? if so i have already been working on that!

Poll wrecked.

You can thank me later.

Thank you!!

Look at the hangar mod, it have a cargo bay part where you can control the angle of the door


+Great part, i simply love your design^^

Thanks for that! I just looked at it, it works but i wanted something much simpler... i looked at it's source code and it seems the coding is much simpler than what i expected, ill be writing one my self haha

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Look at the hangar mod, it have a cargo bay part where you can control the angle of the door



+Great part, i simply love your design^^

There are selection options on your screenshot for liquid fuel, oxidizer and monoprop, could you please tell me which mod adds those?

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Another approach to a K cargo ramp unit would be to make a combined K to 2.5m bicoupler with a drop ramp/door in between the engine mounts.

Also a side entry cargo ramp could be useful, as would a drop floor like Lack did in Lacklusterlabs

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I sidemount my turboramjets just behind the wing, but the main maneuvering engine is best mounted at the rear.

Hmm. Strictly speaking there's no reason to rear-mount an OMS, other than to protect from the engine exhaust, or to mount a single engine. You just need them to be in line with the CoM on the roll axis, in order to ease maneuvering. So twin engines, mounted out- or inside the turboramjet nacelles, or quad engines over-and-under mounted on the TRJ pods would work well. Alternatively, given that the TRJs are for atmospheric flight, you can aerodynamically compensate for mounting those vertically off-center (esp. given that you need an angle of attack to generate lift), so if you mount the TRJs low and the OMS centerline, each engine should work for its intended regime.

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im trying to launch one of the planes like a shuttle strapped onto a liquid tank etc but it keeps fliping on launch how can i fix this

Well, that's right around one of the hardest ways to actually get a thing in orbit, if we stick to those that are actually possible. There's a couple common problems people run up against:

Changing center of mass as your fuel gets consumed will pull your thrust vector more and more off center. The real space shuttle solved this by having extreme gimbal range on the pitch axis, but that's hard to do in KSP.

Aerodynamic lift etc. will tend to pull you off course, and may even turn the entire vehicle unstable. Getting your COL and COM placed right in comparison to each other is a huge bear, and not one I rightly know the solution for.

I would honestly suggest, unless you're deliberately going for the challenge of launching a Space Shuttle like vehicle, that you use for example two or four boosters so that you can center-mount the vehicle.

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The J cargo bay opens from the top and bottom. Also, I'm pretty sure the K cargo bay is vertically symmetric (like the Mk.2 cargo bays), so you can just rotate that upside down to get underside opening. The J comfortably fits JUST under 2.5m height items (the bay itself is 2.5 meters tall, so there's clipping if you mount any 2.5m diameter items.; looks to be meant for non-stock 1.875m parts/designs in height) and is about 5m wide. The K can fit 2.5m height items without clipping and looks to be about 6m or so wide (maybe enough to fit 2x 3.75m actually).

I have done that, but then you get mismatched textures as the underbelly textures become the dorsal textures and it breaks up the look of the plane.

EDIT: On a side note K.Yeon, I personally feel that your old landing gear looked nicer than your current ones (which are great by the way) and can you bring back the old J cargo parts as I rather liked them.

Edited by stali79
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The next TweakScale version will bring basic support for OPT (basic meaning no scaling of i/j/k parts yet). The only new partModule I found is the intake, the plugin code looks like the size should scale as an area. So I'll include it with an exponent of 2:

name = OPTRamIntake
intakeSize = 2

There is also a "compressor" dll, but I can't find any source code or part modules for it, so I suppose there is nothing more to scale. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by pellinor
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Say, now that KSP v1.0 has a due date, are you going to go back and update this pack once it hits? If I recall, the drag model is gonna change in 1.0. I've noticed that while using NEAR, the center of lift can bounce around while using your parts. Also, I think one part is SLIGHTLY unbalanced for lift while using NEAR. I didn't notice until now after I started using Pilot Assistant to help me with launch and landing profiles. Since I don't have to be hands-on as much, I actually had time to check vehicle stats and statuses. I noticed while using craft with the RAMJETs in pairs via mirrored radial attachment that my craft tend to have some minor yaw always applied. This became VERY obvious in one case where I was testing a craft and shut down all assistance (including stock SAS) to attempt to correct something. At the speed I was going, the natural yaw became VERY apparent and I had to keep correcting it.

I reverted to the hangar to check and I noticed the CoL sphere was offset to the right a little. You wouldn't really notice unless you were looking for it and/or had the CoL overlapping the CoM/DCoM. I removed wing surfaces and go no change. Removing the Ramjets got the CoL properly centered. Messing with it allowed me to realized that the CoL could get very odd when placing the Ramjets. I was attaching it to Mk2 and your J hulls and saw that the CoL could jump suddenly at points rather than smoothly transition. KSP/NEAR doesn't seem to like the Ramjets for some reason. (KER doesn't seem to like the Ramjet mode either. I can't get proper dV measurements in the editor. Turbojet mode works though.)

Well, KSP v1.0 is bringing a lot of changes, so I'll have to wait and see. I do hope you plan to continue this mod because I adore the designs for it. (BTW, any chance of a J to dual 2.5m adapter? :wink:)

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