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Test parameters achieved; not being recognised

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Hello all,

I just finished reading the thread on how to post a thread to request support.

Before posting the issue in the format prescribed in that post I'd like to know if someone else is having this issue.

I'm playing KSP 0.24.2 with all of my 40 mods updated for that version.

In my new career save, I have completed about 40 or so contracts. The recent list of contracts I accepted was testing a parachute at a certain altitude and speed and a decoupler on a suborbital trajectory and a certain altitude.

For some unknown reason, and after repeated attempts with different craft designs, it seems like the system has stopped recognising me meeting the conditions as set out in the contract to test the part.

For instance, I don't see the "green check" beside the altitude and speed parameter for this parachute test.

However, in case of the second example, when I put the craft in a suborbital trajectory, it does recognise that part of the contract being met, but I climb and descend through the altitude as prescribed in the contract without getting a confirmation of hitting that goal.

Come to think of it, I abandoned my first attempt at 0.24.2 because when I went to rescue a kerbal stuck in orbit, I couldn't board the craft due to his clone mysteriously appearing in the empty pod that I had just boosted up into the orbit.

Has anyone come across this issue and if they have is there a solution other than restarting a new career?

If you guys want me to provide a list of all the mods and the log output, I can do that.

Trying to replicate this in an unmodded install is out of the question because a) I'd have to do all these contracts again and I wouldn't know when the issue would crop up & B) I've done most things that the stock game offers and do not see myself continuing to play this game without some of my favourite mods.

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