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Procedural Carg Bays ?


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Hi everyone !

Has anyone ever thought of making a Procedural Cargo Bay mod ?

I'm thinking of this after reading a post about the new SP cargo bay and how people have different approach about their size : some people like the constraint of a small cargo bay and design clever payloads, some prefer having cargo bays as long as they can dream of...

In terms of gameplay, the reasoning is comparable to other procedural mods (wings, fairings, fuel tanks) in that they soften engineering constraints by allowing to custom design each of your parts rather than using already developed and tested « off the shelf » parts.

The idea would be having several cargo bay shapes that fit existing stock fuselages and allow the modification of their length, inner separations, etc. in the editor, just like Procedural Fairings or pWing.

Being a C++ dev with no KSP API experience, I have no idea of the workload, but I suspect that making models that look nice despite the procedural aspect will be a challenge on top of the code itself.

What do you guys think ?

Edited by el_coyoto
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We need more shapes for Procedural Parts. I don't know how hard it would be to make, but Some kind of square/rectangle shape would be very nice to have too...

Yup, while searching a bit before posting, I found this : there doesn't seem to be any cargo bay, but the author was on the track to a "procedural shape" approach.

So, basically, a "Procedural cargo bay / fuselage" mod (i.e. cargo bays are just a fuselage with no fuel and a door) or a more space station oriented "Procedural shapes"...

LOL we're turning the VAB into a 3d modelling software! :D

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