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Space Engine


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  • 1 month later...

Amazing. I have been running SpaceEngine in the background for a while now, as I am zipping through a galaxy at 8 light years per second. It just goes on and on, and that is a mere single galaxy. Every time I find another way of impressing the vastness of it all on me.

I have been staring at the slowly (or quickly actually) advancing screen for 10 minutes and I did not get bored.

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  • 1 month later...

I am hereby bumping this thread to pass on the exciting announcement that SE's latest patch (only available in the SE forum so far) adds engine exhaust and renders ships in interstellar space! Now we can do proper galactic voyages with cool glowing interstellar ships.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone here tried Space Engine (I'm sure some of you have:)), but it's basically this awesome Space Exploration game where you are free to explore the universe including landing on all planets (which include both the ones we know of and millions of procedural ones.) Yesterday I found a planet around twice the size of Earth with microbial life, but it had rings and loads of moons! I also found a moon of a Gas Giant that had low gravity (about 0.6g) but a thick atmosphere of 3atm, and the atmosphere was the exact same colour as Jool's atmosphere. Imagine if this game could be combined with KSP! Anyway, what awesome planets have you found?

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I found a gas giant with 900+ moons and several planets with life on them that were just beautiful to "stand" on; multiple moons, multiple stars, foreign planets visible in the evening and night sky... that is just an amazing sight time after time.

Among the coolest things are the gigantic cloud vortices on tidally locked planets. Let me see if I can find some of the coordinates...


RS 1186-1794-7-748851-106, planet A12

RS 1186-3586-7-215251-1487, planet B5

Edited by FonVegen
Found coordinates
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Sorry for opening the new thread when there was already one. I did look to see if it was there, but I guess I didn't look back enough pages:P. Anyway, you think Earth should be called the "Blue Planet"? Well, I found a planet that is entirely blue, including the ground!


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Sorry for opening the new thread when there was already one. I did look to see if it was there, but I guess I didn't look back enough pages:P. Anyway, you think Earth should be called the "Blue Planet"? Well, I found a planet that is entirely blue, including the ground!

Does that include the star? It looks blueish, but that might be the atmosphere...

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The star is a white main sequence I believe...

Anyway, I also found: This gas giant has a bunch of moons, most of which are ocean worlds in all colours, from Joolish green, to grey, to Eveish purple! The outer moon has an atmospheric pressure of 900atm:confused:!!!


Then, in another system, I found Laythe... Seriously, the similarities are striking (in terms of looks):


It even has the same shaped craters!!! However it has much lower gravity and less thick atmosphere than Laythe.


This "Laythe" orbits around a gas giant which also has another gas giant as its first moon:


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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