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UKSN Land Pack


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I promised more stuff for the skunkworks, and then I went and only added a puny fighter. Well, I was working on these on the background:


From left to right, the Main Battle Tank "Defiant", the Multipurpose Troop Transport "Reliant" carrying a couple of missile cells, and the light APC "Swift". But wait, there is more! The Reliant MTT had already deployed a few defense turrets, both laser (note they are kethane-powered, so chemical lasers) and conventional, around KSC:


So, let's take things one at a time. First, the big guns, the tank. There is little to say about it, other than it sports the obvious main weapon, plus a couple of .50 cals as light armament and two countermeasures pods to lay some some smoke around. That works out much cooler than I thought, and if it confuses antitank missiles, all the better. Single pilot and no seats inside, but the door to the interior actually works, and I'm very pleased with how it looks. Here, some pics because they are better than words!



Then I should talk more about the (probably) most interesting file. The Reliant Land Defense Package comes as a trailer with a lot of different modules, both offensive and defensive:


The trailer on front acts as a troop transport and ammunition depot for the turrets, while it tows the actual combat modules. There you can see the four I include: front to back, they are the sidewinder VLS pod for atmospheric attack, the similar non-atmospherics VLS missile pod with KV-1's which is probably not very useful on kerbin (minimum effective distance of 2.5kms, we'll see how it does in vacuum compared to the Sidewinder's .5km minimum firing distance in atmo); and then afterwards the two defense turrets: the kethane-powered laser defense system (which combined with a kethane architecture, is sustainable offworld), and the more conventional CIWS. You can configure the load you take out of the SPH depending on the mission that way. Note how the modules are symmetrical and have a docking port right under the center of mass: I plan to put some of these on rockets. You would need select root for that, but totally doable on your own. The thing is, I think I am working at some point on a "cargo-something" that can carry the other vehicles around, so I'll get back to you on that on the following weeks. Also, while the wheels of the modules start unpowered and locked, I've set up action groups 1 and 2 to toggle front/rear drive on each of them, so they can perfectly move around by themselves, then dock to form a defensive battery. Plus, I added lots of ammo to the roof of the truck after seeing what a gun took to take a single missile out.

And last but not least, the APC:



With light armament, and light in general, it is incredibly fun to drive around, and the missiles give it a decent punch until they run out, while the gatling is just fun to use. You also get a cockpit with good view, another with a view of the passenger compartment, and it sports an additional four seats in there. Mind you, the only way to get into and out of those seats is a bit cheaty, and the front cockpit is accessible from the ground only now thanks to the crew transfer thingy. To get in the seats, you click with the kerbal on the outside and they magically teleport in. To get out, they magically teleport to the roof of the vehicle. Works for me. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, here are all the craft files, enjoy!

Defiant-Class Main Battle Tank

Reliant-Class Multipurpose Troop Transport

Swift-Class Armored Personnel Carrier

Rune. Now is that enough boom to keep you happy for a while? Probably not, but one does one's best.

Edited by Rune
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Glad you guys like them!

  zekes said:
nice little tanks! They look very functional.

Considering that with BD pretty much all armor is useless (even you behemoths would jump when hit by a missile, and once you jump you are toast once you come down), I went for a limited part count (which I blew on the Land Package, 300 parts in all) and aesthetics, keeping the weight low in number and position, so they are quite sporty. There are a number of sacrificial part that could perhaps stop a few bullets before something crucial breaks, but that's about it. And they allow you to have some fun and take cool screenies with several of them on screen, that's nice about them.

Rune. They do look the part, too.

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  CDK said:
I see in the pictures Kethane tanks.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot, sorry. Yes, the trailer thingy has some kethane parts, specifically the laser battery if kethane-powered with four small tanks and two generators. It was MUCH more compact than trying to feed that laser with solar panels. The APC and the tank don't carry anything weird.

Rune. But that should really be it, I held from putting KAS container and such.

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