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Make file exchange easier and give advantage to paid users

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Whatever you name folders, you have to babysit all those files and archives.

"Just download" expands to

- right click, save to...

- find that folder, save, wait download complete

- open that folder and unpack the craft if it's zipped

- unpack and don't forget to delete the archive

- check if there's no extra folder or other junk like hidden OSX files.

sometimes you'll need to clean up your downloads folder. Surely, this is doable, but I want to get rid of this workload. I hate babysitting computers and manually do what they can do without me.

If you insist that things are easy to do, then we could as well skip windows-like file managers. Just start writing in shell: > CP my_file.craft Saves/yoursave/VAB. Or "$ wget http://myhosting.com/somespacecraft.craft -O /home/paul23/KSP_Linux/Saves/new_campaign/VAB/new.craft". That will do.

I see your point that development costs, as you suggest, overweigh the gain here. But I think another way.

If you propose absolutely private file sharing, then you shouldn't mention Dropbox, or forums ether. Just email. This file storage can be quite anonymous if it does not list files, nor store the owner bit in the file record. The rest -- http(s) transaction -- is much safer than other file sharing services. The only way to detect such activity is to sniff user's traffic, which is already a very severe breach.

[added] If I were developing this service, I'd take into account your criticism on privacy and would change it so that hashes and keys are sent in post data and consequently not logged anywhere.

Edited by Kulebron
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