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Fear and Fuzzy-logic

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Facial expressions gauge how much stress or fear a kerbal is going through.

Looking for a way to keep track of the stress or fear a kerbal experiances.

HarvesteR quote (#25 close to the bottom) "those are defined by a fuzzy-logic AI that produces their facial expressions as you fly."

Anyone got some method to access a value from this fuzzyy-logic? is it part of the Mecanim animation engine from Unity?

Need to detect if there was a change from no stress to stressed out.

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Thanks for finding that. Now perhaps this is how to implement. The Fear factor value. BTW this is my first attempt at writing a mod C#, I have lots of experiance in assembly and some in C++. At the begining i was perterbed by the whole process. After watching and completing the

produced by nifty255, this project might be a reach but now not as far off.

Many thanks goes out to the kerbal community.

float GetFacial(KerbalExpressionAI current)
return current.fearFactor

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