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Community Mun Base 2.0

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To be clear, I meant you\'d have the choice of either launching a new craft, or moving one of your existing ones, every time it\'s your turn to fly. no moving other people\'s craft, no moving one AND launching a new one.

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A south polar region high valley, below higher peaks, with a drop-off at one end towards lower valleys - with a slight slope to it where I landed. Here\'s the (proposed) Minmus 'hard' landing zone.






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Sorry guys.

I have been completely swamped with work, an other things at home.

As a result, I haven\'t had, nor can I for see me having the time too lead/manage the community project at this time.

I am sorry for keeping members waiting.

I would hope, that another member would be willing to carry this project forward, an great a new stock/modded base\'s for the version .15

I did get started, will a Persistence file + Draft rule changes, just never.got finishing it.

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sorry, idk if you have tried doing this already, but, why dont you let people fly to the mun on their own comp, with given coordinates for landing sites, and then they can send you guys their persistance files, instead of the other way around.



meh, idea just came to me like that, dont hate if you already do this xD

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Sorry guys.

I have been completely swamped with work, an other things at home.

As a result, I haven\'t had, nor can I for see me having the time too lead/manage the community project at this time.

I am sorry for keeping members waiting.

I would hope, that another member would be willing to carry this project forward, an great a new stock/modded base\'s for the version .15

I did get started, will a Persistence file + Draft rule changes, just never.got finishing it.

Happy to baby sit the stranded base if you send info

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Lucien - most of the fun is seeing the other 10 craft already there when you land and add one more...

I was considering separate persistence files for each landing site, but that would make problems for people who want to do one of the possible mission profiles (move your ship from one base to another.)

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