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Make all tech nodes visible from the start

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The current tech tree is very frustrating in that you can't see where each node leads to beyond the next one. As such you can't make any meaningful choices where to spend your limited science points (especially a problem on hard mode where science is very scarce) because you can't say with certainty where nodes will lead to. Having to guess it or look it up on internet is not a very elegant solution. Making it visible can also give people a goal to work towards.

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The current tech tree is very frustrating in that you can't see where each node leads to beyond the next one. As such you can't make any meaningful choices where to spend your limited science points (especially a problem on hard mode where science is very scarce) because you can't say with certainty where nodes will lead to. Having to guess it or look it up on internet is not a very elegant solution. Making it visible can also give people a goal to work towards.

Kerbals don't have the power of clairvoyance...

This should be a difficulty setting in the difficulty menu, possibly restricted to custom or easy difficulties.

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Nah, part of the fun is seeing what nodes will pop up after you research a certain area. Maybe it should be increased to two tiers in advance, where the next one is grayed out and the one after that is blurred out (they have some idea of what technologies are on the way, but not much)

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I'm hoping for a complete rework myself (it have to be a place-holder).

First because there's better than starting manned, then because it should reflect how much effort the technology ask and allow you to research/buy any structural part you need When you need it.

In fact, the whole "tree" of tech-tree seem to be the problem for me.

A single "getting started" node (with probes) is ok, but why structure it forcibly as an ever growing number of branch ? Each with a bigger and bigger cost, resulting in complementary part like decoupler and fuel tank of a same size being separated.

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I think they should redo the whole tech tree. Seriously. There is no explanation for wheels being as advanced as NERVAs but waaaaay beyong liquid engines except THEYRE KERBALS THEY DONT USE LOGIC

no the kerbals are who dont have logic, those are their developers :P

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