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Realistic soyuz replica


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Well you need to get the kerbal crew to enter the decent module first. Right click the shielded docking port (need to clip the camera in) and control from it. Launch the rocket. When you get to 2,500 metres do a ~ 11.25 degree partial gravity turn. When you get to 5,000 metres do a ~ 22.5 degrees partial gravity turn. When you reach 10,000 metres complete the gravity turn and when you reach 40,000 metres do another ~ 22.5 degrees gravity turn and continue until apogee is 100,000 metres then then coast until you are 30 seconds away from apogee then circularize. When you reach orbit leave seat and you exit out the airlock (docking port) that you just opened the shield of. Then go up near the orbital sphere part and move the camera inside it so you can enter the seat inside of it.

WARNING: floppy rocket so quick save when you reach the angle you like then reload to return to it continue doing that until the boosters decouple.

Version 1.0 best looking, but wrong size

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Version 1.1 better size and ok looking (ignore the symmetry bug I had)



Version 1.2 correct size and fine with looks



Versoin 1.3 (.90) better looking than version 1.2 and still correct size; now with more realistic booster seperation.



Version 1.4 more realistic boosters, and the correct height now that I can see the dimensions; I also added a way to abort the flight (backspace). I also almost doubled the part count due to spaghetti rocket syndrome. (250 more struts)

aN7G5EX.pngI did not actually use kerbal engineer parts, I just used the mod for twr and delta V info.


keywords keep stock soyuz accurate Soyuz look a like

I did not do albums for versions 1.1 - 1.4 because it is nearly identical in flight, and you can tell what it would look like in flight with just one picture.

Thanks to overfloater for suggesting fairings, and showing how to make good fairings on one of his posts.

Edited by LABHOUSE
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Thanks, I was just too ocd to use a 2.5 metre wrong shape capsule and too ocd to use another part for the sphere. One drawback is no fairing possible to surround it because I need to make the command pods jettisoned before launch. The other drawback is wobble and the other one is unpressurised.

Edited by LABHOUSE
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too ocd to use a 2.5 metre wrong shape capsule and too ocd to use another part for the sphere.

Yeah the stock modules just can't make it right xD

One drawback is no fairing possible to surround it because I need to make the command pods jettisoned before launch.

Why not attach the pods onto the fairing? just make sure they're narrow enough to allow access to the chairs... :P

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Yeah the stock modules just can't make it right xD

Why not attach the pods onto the fairing? just make sure they're narrow enough to allow access to the chairs... :P

Because I would rather use the new wings for fairings and the radial decouplers split in two so one half stays on the fairing.

I will try I still I could use a cubic octagonal strut to attach the decoupler.

Now to make another 600,000 kerbal money to test it, That is how much it costed in my career mode to test it I prefer using just career accept for some testing.

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I am unsure, but it is fine with far as long as you start the turn at 100m/s vertical and turn very slowly (still needs fairing taken off, due to odd behaviour with it on, use procedural or kw fairings if you want far aerodynamic fairings)

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