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Alt-click Expansion in flight

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Right now the alt-right click context menu is somewhat limited with the ability to transfer resources, but I was just playing and thinking about the issue with adjusting thrust limits on engines and I realized that doing and alt-Right Click on things like engines to lock together the changes would open up quite a bit more power. This concept could also be extended to other types of mass changes that need to be done in flight like locking flows, toggling modes and adjusting other in flight tweakables. Basically just copy the similar parameters to the entire group of objects.

So say you select all of the engines on your craft, Ion and LFO for instance, and adjust them to 50%, all of the engines that were selected would have the same thrust limit. This would make the whole issue of fine tuning the thrusts to be a non issue since the only real problem with it is if the engines don't match. That .5% won't mean much when it comes to the thrust to weight ratio, but it can be enough to throw off the balance of the ship as it fires. Just a thought of how to expand tweakables which should be fairly straight forward.

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