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Question about the Castor (star)


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We have very good weather tonight for star-watching in Central Europe (a shocker, i know :D ). After a bit of stargazing i've noticed something unusual - the star Castor in Gemini Constellation appears unusually bright, and is also blue-red in colour - even while high above horizon. I've never seen this star like that. Like i said it might be due to atmospheric conditions - but i would appreciate if someone in Northern hemisphere went outside and took a look :)

Just in case.

Edited by Scotius
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Greetings from your south-neighbouring land, the Czech Republic,

Castor and Pollux are ones of my most favourite stars, so I know quite well, how they look. Because they are so close, it's pretty easy to compare them - Pollux is usually a tiny bit brighter than Castor. Yesterday I went out and took a look at them, but I hadn't seen any change of Castor's magnitude relative to the Pollux. Dunno what could cause your Castor to look different :huh:

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