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Spheres of Influence

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Is there a list somewhere of each body's SOI?

I'm placing satellites and I'd like to know how high an orbit I can maintain around kerbin without being affected by Mun. I'd also like to place some in the highest orbit around Kerbin and not float off into space.

I realize I can just play with it and figure it out, but if someone's already figured this out, not much point. Also, it would help a lot with intercepting other planets and moons for exploration.

There has to be an easy way of documenting this, but I can't find it anywhere.

Edited by giddonah
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Is there a list somewhere of each body's SOI?

A) The wiki-pages of each body contains information about the surrounding SOI radius.

For Kerbin look here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin

B) The SOI radius can also be calculated according to the formula given in http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Sphere_of_influence

In order to avoid the SOI of Mun, take an orbit that does not cross an altitude of

(Altitude of Muns orbit around Kerbin +- SOI of Mun).

Edited by mhoram
corrected radius -> altitude
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