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Part coupons.

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As the title says coupons can be earned via completing contracts for example, I have a rockomax 20% off coupon meaning during launch I can use the coupon and get 20% on a single rockomax part of selection

This also apples to other manufacturers such as kerbodyne c7 aerospace, found lying beside road parts do not have coupons.

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I actually like that idea. It would be ideal for testing-part contracts, so that you could use any left-over test parts you may have for a real mission. I think SQUAD considered doing something like this once, but decided instead to just make the experimental parts cost part of the contract advance.

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Dooz this is only correct if say NASA wants Lockheed to build them an engine and then NASA tests it. In this case NASA pays for the engine, the development costs, the testing costs, etc. However if Lockheed wants to build an engine for its own rocket and wants NASA to test it then lockheed pays NASA for the test stand, any NASA personnels time, etc.

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