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Two control surfaces on one part?


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I know this is possible by putting them under the same game_object but I need one on the left side and one on the right, so they would behave oppositely to each other. I can't figure out how to do this as in the config, there is no option to give a name to the control surface, it has to be ctrl_surface

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Why do you need them to be opposite of each other? If you are creating a left version and a right version it's going to be two parts anyway, why not just have a separate control surface for each part?

Because the wing goes across the top, so it is both the left and right wing. I am making a new solar wing, Here is a screenshot:


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Or... you could keep the base wing as one part and make the control surfaces two additional parts. That way their centers of lift would be moved the right distance from center, potentially giving better command authority to the parts? Assuming the aerodynamic model takes part placement into account... Now or in the future.

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Well, you need a new plug-in to define their movement and other function, KSP can't help you in this way.


Have you got a link to that? I may be able to pick it apart and get what I need out of it...I can't write plugins (I have tried many times)

If anyone reading this knows how then please take a look at this

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Have you got a link to that? I may be able to pick it apart and get what I need out of it...I can't write plugins (I have tried many times)

If anyone reading this knows how then please take a look at this

Believe me, splitting the wing is a better idea. To make such a wing, you need write a brand new plugin for it.

Thw plugin I show you has only animation effect, for other functions, it doesn't help at all

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