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Welcome to the KSP forums!

we hope your stay here will be as pleasant as it can be, and that all your questions get answered with due thought and care

feel free to use this board to introduce yourself and to ask those basic questions we all once had!

there's no such thing as a stupid question here - so if you just got here, feel free to ask away! you'll find the KSP community is very friendly and eager to help :D

happy flying! - and may your number of landings be always close to your number of launches ;D


Edited by KasperVld
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello and thank you for the welcome! ^^

I found this game because a college mate of mine was playing it in class. He showed me it, so i just went and bought it, being an indie developer myself I love supporting other developers :)

I love this game, I prefer the vanilla version of the game because mods aren't as 'balanced' but if you wish to have them, look up in google Kerbal Space Program Repository and mods can be found there.

As for the questions, this one seems well timed but am I allowed to post links in the forum? (I.E the mod website for example)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Moehammered said:

As for the questions, this one seems well timed but am I allowed to post links in the forum? (I.E the mod website for example)

Certainly, as long as they aren't spam [snip] :)


Capt'n Skunky

Edited by James Kerman
Removed the word porn
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, I\'m Tom! :D Nice to meet you. I feel already addicted to KSP. This is one of the best games I ever played I think. Even started with small project, because modding this game seems to be pretty easy, even with my limited skills with 3D modeling. Also I\'ve got a lot of info reading through the forum :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all! I found this game by browsing through wikipedia\'s list of open-source games (interesting stuff worht looking at there). I have since given the ZIP to all my friends and due to the fact the game is still in Alpha stage, I believe it is the new Minecraft!

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Hey all! I found this game by browsing through wikipedia\'s list of open-source games (interesting stuff worht looking at there). I have since given the ZIP to all my friends and due to the fact the game is still in Alpha stage, I believe it is the new Minecraft!

That means we will have a MASSIVE update then a drought of updates.

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That means we will have a MASSIVE update then a drought of updates.

Haha, well at least we won\'t have inescapable homing explosives destroying our creations. Unless heat-seeking antimatter comets are added...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello out there!

I\'ve been playing this game since v 0.8 and not once did i think of joining the forums. Recently i realized that ive completed 90%ish of the challenges on here by just messing around so i thought why not share my experience? So here i am!

PS Congrats to Harvester and the rest of the dev team on an amazing game, keep up the good work!!

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Greetings all Kerbanauts!

It\'s been three months since i made my first disaster in KSP

Game was very instresting,and so is now

But for those 3 months i was too lazy to look at the forums

Now,i picked up myself,and will post my failplanes,and everything!


Hello all! :)

We are looking forward to putting moar boosters on your Failplanes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was wondering, how do I download ships, I see posts saying you can download them, but I cant download them, I just got the game and I\'m still having trouble getting to the atmousphere.

Practice, watch.

Also too download ships put the ship\'s file into the craft folder.

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Far have I travelled in pursuit of the dream that is Space Travel. I would gaze at the splendour of the Mun for hours on end, dreaming of the day when I would set foot on her pristine surface. When I met Jebediah Kerman, I knew immediately that here was a person who not only shared my dream, but had the means to make it a reality. Together, we will reach out and touch the stars.

Maximum boostage to all!

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Welcome to the Forums.

Happy Boosting!

From CarolRawley, your #1 supplier of things that will crash, burn, and kill your brain.

---Customer Testifications---

jgjiscool:'I can testify. Those things have crashed burned and definitely killed my brain.'

LudriciousSpeed and Discovery is too be made, the Hydrangonic design can go faster than any other.... and blow up more times than any thing else.

- Hydra

The biggest effing thing ever.

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Somehow or another I managed not to introduce myself. I\'ve made it to the Mün and back several times (that\'s not Kerbal). Also managed to make it to Kerbol orbit by going about getting to the Mün, by just trying to point my rocket at it (that\'s Kerbal!).

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