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Empyrion Galactic Survival HYPE


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(Thread Necro: activate!  Present relevant info, GO!  I assume I'm doing this correctly?)

If you like Space Engineers but hate the lack of updates, Empyrion: Galactic Survival may well be the game for you.  If you are really into accurate physics... probably less so :P

One of the first things that attracted me to the game was that I could make massive ships with little to none of the lag I would get in KSP.  As I was interested in making different-looking (and often with the aerodynamics of a brick) ships, their simplified physics made such a thing possible.

A few examples of random ships I've built











KSP Players will likely laugh, and cry, and face-palm at their orbital simulations and overall simplicity of space-travel, however anyone willing to ignore these points will have a pretty darn good time.  It should be pointed out that a lot of things are simplified for gameplays sake... especially orbital mechanics.

The Dev team, though small, is surprisingly active, frequently implementing requested features and fixes before we realize it.  The patches are frequent enough to keep folks interested, and each one has features that make me, at least, very happy.

For example, someone asked if the Devs listen to our suggestions.  This is what I replied with:


Well, let's see here...


- People asked for windows without blinds. Also more window shapes. Guess what we have now?

- People asked for larger decorations (trees, etc). Guess what's in the works right now?

- People have complained that the blocks are difficult to place and rotate. As it happens, they are working on a new method for block placement/rotation.

- Not to mention all the new block shapes they have introduced.

Here's a very specific one that they fixed after folks complained:
"- Reduced required growing plots in starter base (stock blueprint) from 9 to 2 so that players can build the starter base with available growing plots from Escape Pod"

- People also asked for a quicker, easier way to build their beloved ships. We now have Blueprints.

- People wanted more options for coloring their ships, including painting different colors on different block faces. Guess what's coming in Alpha?

Do I need to go on? Because I will.



They're getting quite close to Alpha release, which will substantially change up the game for the better:



Regarding planets: yes they are pretty darn small in the current state of the game.  Tiny compared to KSP... and you can't go to the poles yet.  However, this is something they have in the pipeline, and are planning on fully opening planets for exploration, AND making them bigger.  Also, since you need to find resources on planets, there is true incentive to explore them, build bases, and otherwise establish a presence there (as opposed to plopping down, doing science, and leaving again :P ).  There is no loading screen... just a minor half-second or so delay as you switch playfields.  Devs have stated that they plan to smooth out the transition further when they re-vamp planets, ideally making it seamless by time of release.

As of now, they have a solar system with mutiple planets in place, and they plan to have a full, procedural galaxy in the future.  Can't say how it will compare to other games of similar vein... but I can hope for the best.

Multiplayer combat, unfortunately, is a little clunky at the moment due to a few issues they are working on, but it is intended to be a main point of the game in the future.

A few examples of online combat that I have been involved in (the issues I refer to become obvious rather quickly) (Also, warning, multiple videos contained in spoiler)




While there is none currently, they do plan to add modding support, which will change the game dramatically... try to imagine KSP before mods!  Unthinkable! :P

(/end shameless plug :P )

Edited by Slam_Jones
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