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2-body propagation


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hey guys,

I'm trying to make program/game in unity that involves orbital mechanics. I would like to get the physics more or less simular to KSP's rail system. So I found this paper where i got most of my equations from and

video which explains orbital propagation. But when I try to implement it ,the orbiting body/satellite slows down at some point in its orbit and just keeps oscilating back and forth around that point. When I play it backwards (negative timeScale value) it speeds up and slow down at roughly the same point in it's orbit. This is my code (C#):

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;

public class GameController {

public GameObject satellite;
public float timeScale;

void Start()
orbit = new Orbit (4f, 0.6f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //orbital parameters

void Update()
satellite.transform.Position = orbit.NextPosition (Time.deltaTime*timeScale);

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Orbit {
public float a; //Semi-major axis
public float e; //eccentricity
public float i; //inclination
public float w; //argument of perigee
public float LAN; //longitude of the ascending node
public float MA; //mean anomaly
public float n; //mean motion

public float TA; //True anomaly
public float EA; //eccentric anomaly

public float Mu = 1f;

Vector3 P;
Vector3 Q;

public Orbit(float semiMajorAxis,float eccentricity,float inclination,float argPerigee,float longAscNode,float trAn,GameObject orbitPrimary)
primary = orbitPrimary;
a = semiMajorAxis;
e = eccentricity;
i = inclination;
w = argPerigee;
LAN = longAscNode;

float EA = TAtoEA (trAn);

MA = EAtoMA (EA);

n = Mathf.Sqrt (Mu / (a * a * a));

SetPQ ();

void SetPQ()
P = (Mathf.Cos(w)*Mathf.Cos(LAN)-Mathf.Sin(w)*Mathf.Cos(i)*Mathf.Sin(LAN))*Vector3.right+

Q = (-Mathf.Sin(w)*Mathf.Cos(LAN)-Mathf.Cos(w)*Mathf.Cos(i)*Mathf.Sin(LAN))*Vector3.right+


public Vector3 NextPosition(float passedTime)

MA = EAtoMA (EA);
MA = MA + n * passedTime;

if(MA > 2*Mathf.PI)
MA -= 2*Mathf.PI;
if(MA < 0)
MA += 2*Mathf.PI;

EA = MAtoEA (MA);
TA = EAtoTA (EA);

return a*(Mathf.Cos(EA)-e)*P+a*Mathf.Sqrt(1-e*e)*Mathf.Sin(EA)*Q;


float TAtoEA(float T)
float E = Mathf.Acos ((e+Mathf.Cos(T))/(1+e*Mathf.Cos(T)));
if (T > Mathf.PI && T < 2 * Mathf.PI)
E = 2 * Mathf.PI - E;

return E;

float EAtoMA(float E)
return E - e * Mathf.Sin (E);

float MAtoEA(float M)
float E = M;
float Enext = E-(E-e*Mathf.Sin(E)-M)/(1-e*Mathf.Cos(E));;

while (Enext-E>Mathf.Pow (10,-15))
E = Enext;
Enext = E-(E-e*Mathf.Sin(E)-M)/(1-e*Mathf.Cos(E));

return Enext;

float EAtoTA(float E)
float T = Mathf.Acos ((Mathf.Cos(E)-e)/(1-e*Mathf.Cos(E)));
if (E > Mathf.PI && E < 2* Mathf.PI)
T = 2 * Mathf.PI - T;
return T;


If one of you could find my mistake it would be really helpfull and if you have a question about my code ,please ask?

ps. if you have any sugestions or know a better (please not to complicated) way to calculate the position of a satellite ,please tell me :D

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