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no engines


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Hi i got new down load and my engines now dont work the fuel goes but nothing moves no matter what ship i make. Ive never had any problems i\'ve even been and landed on moon so i know it not my ships please help.

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Attaching is disabled at the moment, due to an impending server move; you could put it up on dropbox or something, or just give us some screenshots (make sure to include the staging sequence).

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Their is an old bug that has resurfaced, sticky launch pads..

Try putting a staging decoupler on the bottom of the engines that touch the pad, then try launching.

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Oh thank it work with the decouplers how did you know ???. what can i do to fix that and again thank oh if some could tell me how to put piture up on herwe that be great thank you

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Since attachments are currently disabled, you need to use an external site like imgur.com to host the picture. Then you can paste the URL from there into your post. Make sure you use the nuke symbol button above the post editor to wrap the image in spoiler tags so it doesn\'t initially take up a lot of space in the thread.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Since attachments are currently disabled, you need to use an external site like imgur.com to host the picture. Then you can paste the URL from there into your post. Make sure you use the nuke symbol button above the post editor to wrap the image in spoiler tags so it doesn\'t initially take up a lot of space in the thread.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Can I ask why the attachment function is disabled?

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Oh thank it work with the decouplers how did you know ???. what can i do to fix that and again thank oh if some could tell me how to put piture up on herwe that be great thank you

I find the reason for the sticking is often uneven parts on the lower stages, its a pain but you need to be extra careful when using radial decouplers and then placing tanks on them.

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