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Old Quantum Struts for v 23.0, or equivalent mod to solve bending while docked?


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I have resumed playing KSP after a long break. I cannot get version 24 or 25 to run on my computer. I am stuck using using 23.0 (would love to try 23.5 but it is not available for download).

Anyway, I have run into a problem. Two big long ships, sorta heavy at each end. When docked, they want to wobble along the docking port (1 meter port, not the shielded one that is super-wimpy).

The ships once docked stay together and do not bend much under full thrust. But, they have begun to eventually just blow up. A part blows, then others. I hit F9 to go back to the previous save, it blows up parts coming out of the save or shortly after. As though it had accumulated enough stresses previously that the parts can't take it (yes, I know the game does not truly keep track of stress levels or bending levels, but something is introducing an error that eventually makes something blow parts)

I am hoping something like "Quantum Struts" could solve the problem.

But I cannot find the old version that would work with 23.0, only the new one for 25.

Can anyone point to where I can find the older v 23 Quantum Struts, or some other mod with equal functionality for v 23.0, that would help to solve the problem?

Now, I did try to address some of the problem already, by redesigning the other ship. So that it was a very short but wider ship. So, less leverage for bending, but the same mass. I thought that had solved the issue before, when the two identical ships were simply bending so much they broke apart under thrust. But then I found out that while the new short wide ship does not have as much of a problem with bending under thrust, the combined docked ships eventually blows up parts. I've not had any docked ships that have done this.

I know there is an old Kludge involving using a cluster of small docking ports, but that is not an example of crazy Kerbal stuff (like Asparagus staging), but more of a forced dumb solution to a problem that ought not to exist (I thought this wobble, and bending while docked problem was fixed LONG before 23.0)

- GeorgeG

Edited by GeorgeG
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There are 2 you can use. One is ActiveStruts, the other is Kerbal Attachment System. They are compatible with each other (i.e. you can use KAS on an ActiveStrut). Active struts is probably closest to QuantumStruts.

Thanks, tried them. Neither one would load properly on my computer.

I have had to give up on functional docking, at least for leaving Kerbin (Two launches, a lander and it's transfer stage behind it for a flight back from Moho, and then a launch of a slightly bigger transfer stage to dock with the nose of the lander, as a puller, for the flight from Kerbin to Moho). I fly them both into orbit, then dock them, for the sake of accomplishing the task. But they won't survive. So, then I have both assembled in docked configuration in the VAB, four struts added, and use HyperEdit to put them into the same orbit, with the same fuel levels. They survive fine.

They won't be undocked until much later when the outbound Transfer stage (docked with the nose of the lander, pulling it) has run low on fuel, with the whole docked ship in orbit around Moho. The outbound Transfer stage will have some fuel left, so after the mission to Moho's surface and back up I'll want to re-dock it with the lander and its return transfer stage (attached to the rear of the lander). By that time most of the fuel tanks will be gone, as will two nuclear engines, so I expect the wobble/Kraken problems won't repeat. Although as I type this I realize ought to do a test flight in low Kerbin orbit to simulate that configuration to be sure it won't be a problem.

- GeorgeG

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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement has older versions available for download. I wasn't using it then, but looking at the file dates one of them should work, I'd ask in the thread.

Also, design matters a great deal - don't try and carry heavy loads through a Clamp-O-Tron. By .23, the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. is available, and you should be using it wherever possible.

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You can use the KAS strut attachment points. Of course you have to go on a space walk to make the attachments, but that's not a big deal.

Another, slightly more difficult option is to actually use multiple docking ports. You can place two or more docking ports in an arrangement to greatly reduce bending. (Two reduces bending in one direction, which is great for radial mounting nacelles, three or more reduces bending in all directions.) You can actually get away with the clamp-o-tron jr on this method.

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the best solution I've found is simply use heavier doing ports. the bending and wobbling isn't actually inherent of docking ports but is actually inherent of using two light flat parts between two big long heavy parts you'd get the same bending stacking stuff like inline batteries.

the near future series of mods have some heavy ports or you can simply edit some configs to make your own heavy ports or weld ports to heavy things like command pods and fuel tanks

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