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Espace Inc. , presentation and pictures of missions.


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Hi i\'m Guekko CEO of ESPACE company,

I\'m please to introduce you our space program and missions.

First let look at all the missions we already done:


Satellite Program:




Here we have in order, Orange Telecom I, Orphee Observation and Solaris Observation. This is Telecom and Observation satellites. Orange Telecom I orbiting around Kerbin, Orphee observation around Mun and Solaris around the Sun. All this missions was full success.

Mun program:



This is Aldrin I, our first Landing on the Mun and the Rover Aldrin III, as you can see there is no Aldrin II. Aldrin II was a mission of go and back again, who completely success. 3 men was on board and they\'re all back safe, and happy to walked on the mun. Aldrin III is still on the Mun discovering the surface and composition of the Mun ground.

Space Station program:


Here it\'s DOUA space Lab, a scientific laboratory with 3 men on board. Every 4 months an ATV is sent to refuel and give somme food to the crew.


This is the Discovery International Space Ship, every country can send few men into, it\'s a also a scientific laboratory. 3 men could go aboard. Refueling every 3 months.


One of our last mission and it our pride, the Hope SkyLab I. A great High technology Scientific lab with lot of stuff, 5 men on board and refuel every 6 months. Greatest mission of ESPACE Inc.

Future missions:


We currently working on a permanent Mun Station call Columbus Mun Lab. It\'s the biggest and hardest mission ever for us. If you have some advices or expectations you can join us by PM or on this forum. The biggest problem is that the station is very heavy and our rocket can\'t support it. The rocket we us is the Europa V:


We hope you enjoy this few pictures and it gives you some ideas.

(Sorry for my english by the way :D

-I use the 14.3 KSP

-I use KOCMOC Add-on, you can find it here:

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7178.0 )

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Thanks you all!! ;) Really have trouble with my Mun station, it to heavy to be stable for a launch, i tryed with 4 separates booster on each sides but this is really instable, i ll post a pict tomorow. I change the pods of the station, i ll put a pict tomorow too. But I can\'t find answer on the forum for this kind of problem may you help me?

I ll give you more information tomorow about it ;)

And once again thanks you all, the forum is pretty cool!!!

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  Guekko said:

Thanks you all!! ;) Really have trouble with my Mun station, it to heavy to be stable for a launch, i tryed with 4 separates booster on each sides but this is really instable, i ll post a pict tomorow. I change the pods of the station, i ll put a pict tomorow too. But I can\'t find answer on the forum for this kind of problem may you help me?

I ll give you more information tomorow about it ;)

And once again thanks you all, the forum is pretty cool!!!

I found the fusions engines with Kosmos help for extremely heavy launches, as their fuel lasts ages and they give quite a good bit of power. You can actually scale down the rocket quite a bit, with far fewer stages using those suckers

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