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[HOCgaming] "Flying Blind" Footage Submissions Thread!


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  Xenro66 said:
I don't know if I even want to bother. It's a lot of effort for an extremely slim chance of actually being picked.

We'll to my understanding, that are not that many videos submitted. If you want to have the best chance of being picked, you want to be the first.

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  Thunderous Echo said:
Okay, but what is the lower limit on video length? Is 3 or 5 minutes too short?

And for these short videos, do we really need 5 minutes of in-flight on YouTube?

Short ones are fine, and if they're THAT short I'd say upload them in their entirety. You might as well, right?

Anything below 5 minutes is probably a bit too short, mind you.

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  Xenro66 said:
I quite want to do this but the best I can do is upscaling from 720p to 1080p. I can play on max settings just fine and maintain a decent framerate, but a 1080p window won't fit on my 720p screen xD

I don't know if I even want to bother. It's a lot of effort for an extremely slim chance of actually being picked.

I'm in the same boat with the resolution. I approached the latter issue with the perspective that if I'm not picked, hey, there's an already done episode in the can ready for me to narrate over and upload for my own channel. ;)

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  TinfoilChef said:
Perhaps you might try recording videos the way I and most people I watch do it. Instead of doing all your commentary in post production, Record the commentary live as you record the video. This way you have no idea how things turned out in advance and your commentary will be IMO more "genuine". Not that post commentary isn't genuine, simply that commentary recorded live as you do something has a better feel to it and seems less rehearsed.

I feel like this would be good in some situations, but I would not prefer to be watching videos that are hours long. And I doubt Harv would enjoy that either.

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The only way I think this will work is if you commentate it like they do for starcraft 2, pointing out mistakes, maybe things you would have done different, predictions like if you think an upcoming maneuver or the whole mission is going to succeed or fail, something that you think will go wrong later in the mission because of something you noticed that they may have done wrong and predicting what the actual mission is if you don't already know from the title or something.

if you just you reacting to what happens and plainly and repeatedly stating what is on the screen or rambling about things unrelated to the video, it will not be so entertaining.

How are you going to know if the submitted videos fit the requirements or are interesting?

For those complaining about doing the work and not getting credit, this is just not for you, move along, he has already done successful videos where the viewers did all the work, the test pilot ones. plenty of people would like their favorite youtuber to commentate their video or just to see their video on a popular youtubers channel, people even PAY TotalBiscuit to commentate on their starcraft 2 matches and have it posted on his channel, even tho the whole time he talks about how crap they are at playing.

Edited by ruukozu
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Currently working on upscaleing 1hr of footage. Thing is, the mission's only half done :( Will hopefully upload everything tomorrow and post. Just kinda made up an idea, hit record, and did my best!

Like I said on youtube, this is a really cool idea, and I'm glad you decided to do it :D

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Name: Mancake

Preview Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkehQ58GJaI&list=UULqZCsc3NkfbTLwWlSv0D1Q

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0kwYe_EHDX9RTEtUk5BakhBWFk&authuser=0

Details: Video is in one part, 25 minutes long. Footage is about 1,2 GB. Most of the video is sped up to 4x, some parts 1,25 (like realtime, slight framerate issues for some reason), and some up to 16x. Also, the only parts I´ve cut out are in the preview, they`re all just waiting for a burn or doing a burn in one direction. Basic orbital ballet. Similar parts are sped up outside of them. I might have done a too long mission.

Edited by legamer1
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  INSULINt said:
Currently working on upscaleing 1hr of footage.

Seen a few people saying they're upscaling their video. Don't! That doesn't magically fill in more pixels, it just stretches what's there and makes it look worse! I've also now edited the initial post to reflect this.

On another note, I should be recording the pilot episode tomorrow - then we'll see whether or not I'll change the format away from blind commentary. The arguments that have been posted on this thread make sense - especially in that regard.

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Well, other than reflying the mission which I don't feel like doing its 720 upped to 1080 or naught. My upload speed sucks and the time spent uploading the hour of 1080p footage amounts to 5 hours. Nevermind that the performance hit to record in 1080 isn't worth putting up with. I'd have rather just uploaded in 720 TBH but whatever. Should be actually able to post links to stuff after it's uploaded in a couple of hours from now.

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  PCGeek said:
Can I upscale it from 720p to 1080p. I don't have a 1080p screen :'(
  HOC said:
Seen a few people saying they're upscaling their video. Don't! That doesn't magically fill in more pixels, it just stretches what's there and makes it look worse! I've also now edited the initial post to reflect this.


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Name: 6thcousin

Preview Video: http://youtu.be/IiesvY7I65Q

Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhtmbqb1cjovmlx/HOCfullrecording.mp4?dl=0

Details: Space Shuttle Delivering Part to Station in Very Low Kerbin Orbit, w/ landing. Video is in one part, 46 minutes long. Footage is 1.46GB. Actual 1080p no upscale, 16000kbps bitrate, 31 fps. I hope I'm not too late for the pilot episode.

Ps. DropBox Video Player makes the video look bad but if you download it, it will be full quality like the youtube video

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As pointed out by a few people in this thread, the whole "blind" idea isn't particularly good.

In light of this, having recorded a few test episodes (and having pretty quickly got rid of them), and in light of other commitments in my life, I've decided to cancel the series.

Sorry to those of you hoping to have a video made. Feel free to use your footage as you like, in case you weren't already!

- Harv

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Sorry to hear it didn't work out, HOC!

Went ahead and killed my download link, but here's a commentated version of my video with my series bumper and endslates. Fun mission! There shall forever be an asteroid in my .25 save file with your name on it. Might even wind up using the H.O.C. probe again too since I left it in orbit with tons of Xenon still aboard, really only need to dock it with a station to refresh the experiment bays. (And it needs a new claw if I go after another asteroid.) Took your advice and re-rendered it in the 720p quality it was originally recorded in, I got a better monitor and was really able to see the drop in quality that happened due to the upscaling.

Edited by AzureAngel17
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I'm also sorry to hear the series is dead :( For what it's worth I really do think it's a cool idea! :) The real bummer is that the save I recorded mine from got corrupted pretty bad and in my frustration I deleted the whole save folder then emptied the recycle bin >_< So, I can't even complete the mission anymore :(

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