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I got duplicate flags somehow.

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So i decided recently to make my missions more extravagant by making better names, mission flag for each mission etc etc. but upon choosing my flag i saw every flag even from mods have a duplicate and ones i just added. I searched the KSP folders to look where they are but i couldnt find any duplicates. Ideas where and how to remove them would be apriciated.

Here is a screenshot.


Thanks in advance. :D

Edited by Kaname
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I would guess that you have a second folder of flags somewhere.

Just look through the GameData/Squad and NASA folders for flag folders. You might even be able to do a file search using "default.png" to find the second directory.

Otherwise, post the output_log.txt file and we can help you locate the duplicates.



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I have this same issue.

It isn't double copy of flags. I looked over and over, also I have a custom flag I made myself that I only copied once and it duplicated. As well as flags from mod packs like KW rocketry.

I have Active Texture Management, I will have to go check it out to see if I have the latest version. I don't know what the OP has but I also have Tantares, KW rocketry, and Klockheed Martin SSME's, and then a bunch of mostly utility mods like Kerbal Engineer and KAC.

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Well I don't know about the OP but I updated my active texture and the issue went away.

Good Catch Taki117.

There was an issue where EVERY texture was duplicatex after the .25 release. Fortunately it got corrected rather quickly. This just goes to prove that you should always check to see if you have the latest version if a problem pops up.

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There was an issue where EVERY texture was duplicatex after the .25 release. Fortunately it got corrected rather quickly. This just goes to prove that you should always check to see if you have the latest version if a problem pops up.

If more mods had the version checker. I know when my Kerbal Engineer is out of date. I know some people find it annoying but really who wants to check every one of a dozen mods every day?

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