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[WIP] TajamSoft Exploration Systems (Screenshots are up!)


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TajamSoft Exploration Systems


What is this?

This is a part pack (May include plugin) mostly focused on probe parts.

All the parts on this mod will have core funcionality with RT2 and Deadly Reentry.

This mod will include many new resources for you to mine, in oceans, atmospheres, and land.


What am i working on right now?

- Solar Sail Code

- Resources related things...

Product Cards:


More will be added soon!




- Kn (Kernon): A very expensive (There is no more at Kerbin) resource that can be found on most planets, it can be used to get money, or generate fuel.

- Kn2 (Kerminon): It's basically 2 atoms of Kn. Can be used to make biproducts (Kn, N and H), many Kerbonauts ask how can that thing become H, or even N, and nobody has discovered it yet, it's value is extreme, and, indeed, this thing is VERY rare.

- Kn23 (Saturated Kernon): Well, if only one atom of Kernon is powerful, this mix found at sun's corona is even more... Getting it is very hard, and you will have to be very close to Kerbol to extract it...

- Km (Kerminite): A newly discovered resource, it's very common in the Kerbol system. Can be used at energy generation.

- I2Kn2 (IodKerine): A mix of Iodine and Kerminon, mostly found in gas state. It's very pink, and it's used DIRECTLY as fuel for some engines. Some engineers think that Eve's atmosphere is made of this!

- Space Dust: Found anywhere on the Kerbol system, it's more abundant near Kerbol, but you may get some even at Eeloo... It can contain many stuff, but mostly H and He.


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No download link yet!

Feedback is welcome!


Edited by tajampi
Fixed resource names...
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  • 3 weeks later...

New stuff!

I will be adding resources to this mod, using ORS, i will make a lot of planetary, atmospheric and oceanic resources, that can be used to generate fuel, or you may even sell them for tons of money!

Most of the resource related stuff is finishing planing phase!

I will be uploading screenshots of my progress soon, i'm not at the computer i have the files at.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

News! :)

- I will be splitting the mod into the Resources thing, and the probe parts, so you can delete the resources if you don't like them (The download will include both, for easy installation)

- I'm making code for a solar sail (I think there was a mod wich added one, but it was VERY low power, with my plugin, i will implement a much more "kerbally" one, with better thrust, but, it will still be very little thrust, so only for probes ;) ) I will upload news about this module in the future, once it works :P

- Instead of the kernon tank i used on the screenshots, i will redistribute a "procedural" tank, in which you can change what resource it holds (Less ram usage).

- I will be implementing my old (But still working) tajamsoft generators mod, now with custom code, and many new things. (The air generator will finally work on any atmosphere, as it will not work using the intake air resource!)

- Gravity Electric generator, which only works when acceleration is present (And at the right orientation) for all your low power rover needs (In real life, it always needs a little power present for running, but it's so little it's free energy (Very little ammount of energy, but i will boost it to become more "kerbally", keeping under RTG power, but way lighter ))

- And, a release will be up soon :D

Feedback about these features is, as always, welcome!

Cheers! :)

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