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How poweful a computer can walk away with the following mods?


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I am currently using a , frankly, coal-powered PC, which cannot really handle that many mods for my KSP; which is basically the only thing that prevents me from beign a heavy mod user.

Anyways, I am planning on buying a new PC soon, which will be kinda game-oriented. I therfore started daydreaming about all the mods I like that I will actually be able to use. However, after a while, I started listing them, and found a literally insane number.

Therefore, I would like someone to inform me with which would be the hardware requirements for a computer that can handle the mods I'm about to list below. Remember, though, that I would prefer it in a reasonable price, and be actually able to do other things other than playing KSP, so if you find yourself diving into too deep numbers, don't be afraid to cut off the number of mods a bit. Overclocking can also be advised, as long as the computer is able to handle the extra heat.

So, here is (overly optimistically) the full list of mods I would like in my game. The weak of heart are advised to leave the thread now.

  • FAR
  • MechJeb
  • Deadly Reentry*
  • Interstellar
  • B9 Aerospace
  • KW Rocketry*
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock*
  • Mission Controller
  • Fine Print*
  • Kerbal Construction Time
  • Kerbal Universe 2: Physics (most likely the most hardware-restraining of the list)
  • KerbinSide
  • Kerbin Shutle Orbiter
  • Remote Tech*
  • TAC Life Support*
  • IXS Enterprise
  • D.E.R.P.*
  • Orbital Material Science*
  • Station Science*
  • Fuel Science*
  • Active Memory Reduction* (I'm sure I'll need it)
  • Extraplanetary Launchpads
  • Vanguard Parachutes*
  • BD Armory
  • or
  • Skillful Weapons and Damage
  • Boat Parts
  • Karbonite
  • or
  • Kethane
  • SCANSat*
  • Through the Eyes of a Kerbal*
  • Snacks
  • KerbQuake*
  • RealChutes

The ones with asterisks are the ones my computer can already handle, which can only mean they are not that big of a deal.

As I said, if it's not possible to work all of those without leaving the reasonable limit of cost, inform me of the maximum number of them can be easily done. With a dignified FPS, of course.

Thanks in advance.

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Are you claiming your system can handle all of KW Rocketry, but not MechJeb?

That sounds... odd.

Well, I haven't used KW Rocketry since I started overtaxing my PC, and I haven't yet used MechJeb at all. The ones with asterisks are the ones I have TESTED it can play.

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What OS are you using ? so far as Computer it don't take a powerhouse to run but yes more ram the better then again what OS is being used.

EDIT- OS x or higher, Windows 32bit or 64bit , Linux 32bit or 64bit.

EDIT- As for me, I ran Ksp in windows and then change to Linux and can say, Imo linux runs ksp better if you a windows used you should check out diskmanager it's a windows tool so it in windows

and some windows 7 and think all windows 8 you can make VHD file and boot from them if you want to try and dual boot.

EDIT- Here are a couple of Linux OS




Edited by Mecripp2
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You aren't approaching this problem correctly. Very rarely do mods themselves cause game slowdown/fps drops, rather it's large ships (the physics) that cause that. With this many mods, the more likely issue is crashing due to using too much RAM. For that, you can use ATM, run on linux to use 64 bit, or just cut down on mods to keep the used RAM down.

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