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KSP Race Competition Advice?

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Moved the the Q&A forum for now, where you might get more varied advice.

If you haven't looked into DarkMultiplayer mod, that might be one of interest (if you want head to head racing).



Thanks. I was also wondering what mods could be useful for making rovers/cars.

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There's already Formula K, which is rover circuit racing. We use PersistentTrails instead of multiplayer for ease of entry, due to there being no time-zone limits to turn-based races.

If that's interesting, check the thread in my signature out. If not, I do see the fun in wheel-to-wheel rover racing, however I don't think there'd be big fields. There are many time-zone problems that arise with playing together in Minecraft which would carry over to this.

Also: plugins/mods for cars are Tweakable Wheels, Wheel Telemetry and Rover Wheel Sounds.

Anyway, awesome idea, and if the earth were flat I'd absolutely love it.

Edited by Kyrian
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There's already Formula K, which is rover circuit racing. We use PersistentTrails instead of multiplayer for ease of entry, due to there being no time-zone limits to turn-based races.

If that's interesting, check the thread in my signature out. If not, I do see the fun in wheel-to-wheel rover racing, however I don't think there'd be big fields. There are many time-zone problems that arise with playing together in Minecraft which would carry over to this.

Also: plugins/mods for cars are Tweakable Wheels, Wheel Telemetry and Rover Wheel Sounds.

Anyway, awesome idea, and if the earth were flat I'd absolutely love it.

Well, my idea was kind of a Mun race, with souped up buggies. (and by that, I mean ion engines or small LFO engines.)

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