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Control inversion tweakable for airfoils

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I made a plane last night, little tiny thing that looked a bit like the Komet (I can post the craft file if you like), but when I flew it I found that while the roll and yaw controls were fine, pitch was slaved backwards, so when I tried to pitch up, my SAS tried to lift my nose up and my elevons tried to push it back down. I tried everything - rebuilding the wings, turning the elevons into slats, everything. The game was steadfastly committed to wiring my elevons backwards.

So the plane didn't fly because the game misinterpreted how it was built.

Suggestion for a tweakable: the ability to selectively invert a control surface's axes. In this case, I'd go into the SPH, invert the pitch axis only for the selected surfaces, and go.

I mean, I get that the game will occasionally get mixed up, but it'd be great if I could manually correct it, instead of simply junking the plane in question.

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I do agree about manually being able to invert surfaces selectively. Even if it's not for solving bugs like this, there are times when being able to manually set things is nice.

Which control surfaces were you using by chance? I've had a few issues like that with the elevon 5s (the slanted ones), so it may just be bugged parts.

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