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BUST: Parts of Craft Crash into Buildings and Explode

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Bugs Under Special Test (BUST)

Parts of Craft Crash into Buildings and Explode

This thread is part of a series of community efforts to find the root cause of some of the more difficult to pinpoint bugs in KSP. The purpose of this thread is to for users to collaborate on solving the root of the problem.

Please see here for more details before posting.

Special Note: Please do not post requests for support on this thread. If you need help fixing a problem, please see the other Support stickies linked below.

Purpose of the BUST threads:

  • The BUST threads exist for discussion of the specific topic and for organization of the community of players who are collaborating to dig into the issue. The threads do not exist to answer support requests and any posts for support requests will likely be moved out of the thread.
  • If you are familiar with the Bug Reporting Guidelines, what we are trying to do is solve the "How to replicate" portion of the bug report.

The ultimate goal of a BUST thread is to end up with a solid bug report that has easily repeatable steps. So if you post information, try to post clear directions on how you came up with it.


Those random times when you're returning to KSC and pieces of your ship collide with the VAB or launch pad.


When returning to KSC (typically with a space plane), parts of the vessel crash into various buildings around KSC (usually the VAB or launch pad).

Primary Known Issue Threads:

There isn't one, though there are several reports.

What's known:

Seems to happen when traveling out of Kerbin's SOI (such as to the Mun or Minmus) and returning to KSC without reverting or quickloading. High time warp may also be a factor.

Edited by Claw
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  • 3 months later...

KSP Version: (WindowsPlayer) Steam BETA 64bit

What Happens:

Flew a shuttle to space and closed the game. Next day I launched a rocket to refuel shuttle and flew the shuttle to a space station around Mun. Came back to Kerbin and was perfectly lined up to land at KSC coming from the West.

I used 4x physics warp during the descent and when I came out at around 10km away a Structural wing Type A exploded (flight log said crashed in launch pad). At first I thought the cause was the physics warp. I managed to keep the shuttle steady until about 3 km out when the other Structural wings A and B type all exploded. They all "collided" with the launch pad.

Mods / Add-Ons:


KW Rocketry

B9 aerospace

Kerbal attachement system

Navyfish docking cam

Kerbal alarm clock

Flight Manager for Reusable Stages

Kerbal Engineer

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:




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