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Mod to make sun white


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Is there a mod that would only make the Sun white. I know at least Renaissance Compilation and Better Atmospheres do that, but they add so much more and I already have Astronomer's Visual Pack installed

(speaking of which, how can I have less clouds for Kerbin in AVP. Can't see sh*t in that fog).

Maybe something for Texture Replacer?

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TextureReplacer can't actually touch the sun flare, that's why it hasn't already.

KSPRC and the next version of AVP ships with a sharedassets10.assets file which contains the sun flare - you don't need to install anything else from those mods for it to work, just copy across the KSP_Data to your main install (not Gamedata, the folder that contains it) or copy across the assets file manually and overwrite it.

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  • 1 year later...

This topic is very old, but it's one of the first that comes up when you google "Kerbal Space Program white sun", so I'm sharing here how I did it.

1. Download KSPRC (as I'm posting this the current version of KSPRC is V-0.5)
2. Only copy the folder named KSPRC to your GameData-folder
3. Delete every folder and file in the KSPRC-folder except Assets, Plugins and KSPRC_LensFlare.cfg
4. Profit :cool:

I hope this helps some random people that stumble over this thread (like me).

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