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TurboJet engine uses wrong fuel contaier

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KSP version: Steam 32-bit Platform: Linux 3.14.14 x86_64 Files: spaceplane 3.craft persistent.sfs Player.log

I have a strange phenomen with this spaceplane: The TurboJet engines draw fuel from the center body (which carries fuel for the main rocket engine), instead of the fuselage they are attached to:


It is not easy to see but I deliberately separated the engine nacelles from the central body using decouplers (image), and even that did not stop them stealing fuel from the main engine.


I can even transfer fuel:


This wouldn't be much of a problem, however the main engine in turn cannot access the the nacelles' fuel, so the TurboJet engine effectively 'steal' fuel from the main engine (the image also shows that the TurboJet engines do have access to the nacelles' fuselages)


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[Rewrote this]

Thank you for the link. Well, rule 7 explains the unidirectionality (crossfeed parent->child but not child->parent). The rest explains by decouplers being crossfeed-capable (this threw me off guard - I was sure I had some designs fail because there was NO radial crossfeed - probably in fact due to rule 7 too).

Having just read that even girder crossfeeds fuel ... any part that does not? Or any way to make the crossfeed bidirectional besides the presumably obvious pipes?

Edited by cami
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[Rewrote this]

Thank you for the link. Well, rule 7 explains the unidirectionality (crossfeed parent->child but not child->parent). The rest explains by decouplers being crossfeed-capable (this threw me off guard - I was sure I had some designs fail because there was NO radial crossfeed - probably in fact due to rule 7 too).

Having just read that even girder crossfeeds fuel ... any part that does not? Or any way to make the crossfeed bidirectional besides the presumably obvious pipes?

I-Beams are probably your best bet for blocking crossfeed on your nacelles. Other than that it's structural panels or stack decouplers/separators.

The radial decoupler thing throws everyone for a loop, because it doesn't work when a fuel container is attached to the decoupler, only when some other crossfeed-enabled part is.

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