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The Timeline


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This game is about building a timeline for future events!


You MUST advance at least 1 year per post.

You can advance 25 years at max in one post. (eg: if the game's at 2400, the max year you can do next is 2425)

You can't go backwards in the timeline.

The game will (hopefully) stop at the year 10.000, but you can continue if you want!

It must make sense. (Technology must advance unless a user makes a disaster)


userA: 2350: First interstellar journey.

userB: 2361: Asteroid impact on earth kills almost all life.

userC: 2375: Humans arrive after interstellar travel.

I'll start!

2017: Probe is launched to Europa (moon) and discovers aminoacids in its water.

Edited by gmpd2000
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2040: The Republican Party has so much power that it makes a new Soviet Union out of the USA, which falls in 2050.

2050: The CUSA (Communist USA) collapses into 50 independent countries, who bond together to form the USA again, but in old form.

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no. you cant do that. not after all that chocolate.

2055 again: all suns descendants shot for heresy/going back in time to change history

2056: people in what was the Northern part of the USA finally realize that the South is no longer racist. Both start working together to make a better world

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2076 - A small rogue Alcubierre bubble streaks in from interstellar space and disappears into the sun. The density of the solar plasma breaks up the bubble long before it reaches the core, but not before a significant volume of solar material is converted to energy from passing across the bubble wall, and the resultant gamma rays trigger a sudden surge of fusion in a large chunk of the convection zone. This creates a massive ejection of solar plasma of a magnitude never before seen, and the magnetic disturbance knocks out all electronics closer than the orbit of Mars.

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