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Hotkey mod for the disabled?


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I'm looking for a mod I think I remember existing that added hotkeys for a lot of stuff that didn't have hotkeys already. It was developed to make control easier for disabled gamers with limited mousing ability.

Did this mod exist, and if so what was its name?

Thank you in advance.

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While I appreciate the link, all that mod does is add more action groups. (I'm the dev of the mod linked in the previous post.)

I have a mod under development here that is intended to add as many functions as I can think of to the game as action groups.

Neither of which answers his question though, the only mod I can think of that sort of fits the request was an on-screen mod for people who had problems using the keyboard could use their mouse to control everything. But that's backwards as this request is a mod for people who have limited mouse ability to use the keyboard for everything.

Either way, KSP Mouse Controller is the mod I remember, but it looks dead as it was last updated for KSP 0.22


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Oh, I suppose it comes down to what "Hotkeys" means.

I certainly offer more action groups that you can bind to any key, but I don't offer anything beyond was is already an action group.

You can't assign "Pitch UP" or "Yaw LEFT" to a hotkey with the linked mod, although the new one I'm developing I hope to offer that.


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Closest thing I can think of there is using the IVA key (default 'C'), and then double clicking on the inside of the hatch, which will initiate an IVA. Of course, I don't know if the setup you're working with has double click support.

EDIT: If you're looking for a mouse only interface, Telemachus might be a good starting point.

Edited by memorablynamed
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